Wednesday, March 6, 2019

What I Did For Love by Susan Elizabeth Phillips - Audible Version

What I Did For Love
By Susan Elizabeth Phillips
Audio Edition

If you are like me and always love getting your
moneys worth, you will get that with this story.
The audible version is 13 1/2 hours long.
Not a minute of it is wasted. There are a lot of
characters, several story lines, a few love stories
and a lot of ridiculousness.
 Georgie and Bram have been a part of each
others lives since they were kids. They starred on
a popular family comedy show. Georgie was
looked after. Her father took care of her and
watched after her money. Now, she has a secure
future. Bram wasted it all. The money and the
Now, they find themselves, together, 
 in quite a pickle.
But how to make it work out well for them?
Can they tolerate each other long enough
to get through this situation? Will Georgie lose
her relationship with her father after all? Will
Bram be able to avoid jail and make a life
for himself?
Julia Gibson does a terrific job on the narration.
I borrowed this copy from my library.
Review by Lisa Hutson

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