Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Movie Review - The Bill Murray Stories

The Bill Murray Stories
Movie Review

I am not a huge Bill Murray fan. Though I did notice
while watching the 'thrilling documentary', he does have
a pretty good film resume. I don't very often enjoy
the stuff I call 'stupid comedy'. But I noticed that
Bill Murray has been in some pretty good movies.
But that isn't what this documentary is about.
It's more about the man. How he enjoys his own life.
And how he contributes to other lives. Human life
in general.
My husband and I both thought about it while we
watched. Isn't it a shame? That more famous people
don't use their face for good? Like this!
Yes, donating money to a good cause is terrific.
But his intention seems to be making smiles
happen! Making memories. Joining a typical
fun evening and adding to it.
I have never in my life, ever, thought being famous
would be a great thing before. And this is really the
only thing I can see that would be great about it!
Being able to do this sort of thing.
It's a fun documentary. A great way to spend
an hour for some mind broadening and smiling.
There are a lot of f-bombs. So you would have
to decide if that suits your audience.
Review by Lisa Hutson 


1 comment:

  1. Interesting review. I've never heard of this movie, but I do like Bill Murray especially Groundhogs Day.


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